The Africa Kingdom Business Forum (AKBF) an arm of the Intercessors for Africa (IFA) is a market place initiative aimed at providing both an interactive, networking and training forum for Kingdom-minded Christian business persons within the African content. The end-time harvest requires prudent stewards of resources from the Lord, who will make the same resources available for God’s purposes. Africa appears set as both God’s continent of refuge as well as His storehouse of provisions for the people that are responsible for executing God’s agenda on earth. The forum is committed to both praying and taking all positive actions to see the fulfillment of God’s prophetic words and promises to the African people all over the world.
Africa’s resources to-date remain largely in the hands of godless and anti-Christ business persons and conglomerates. AKBF aims at encouraging and enlightening the understanding of Christians and God-fearing business persons on how to go forward and take over the resources of the African Continent and ensure that the coming harvest enjoys the traditional provision that Africa has always supplied for God’s move in the past. These godly end-time business persons are to become like the tribe of Issachar of old. These did not only understand the times but were actively involved in assisting the Davidic era with material provisions for establishing the throne of King David (1 Ch. 12:32-40).
The vision
Africa is known from statistics to be the most resource rich continent on the face of the earth. Africa has 99% of the world’s Chrome reserves, 85% Platinum reserves, 70% of Tantalite reserves, 68% of Cobalt reserves and 54% of Gold reserves. She also has diamonds, Coal, Copper, Crude oil, Gas, Asphalt, Coffee and Cocoa to mention a few.
Even though Africa is dubbed the most impoverished continent, our vision is to establish how the so-called irrelevant continent will soon become the centre stage of the global economy.
Africa Biblical Role
From the beginning of time, God has a special role for Africa. It is a continent of refuge. Time and time again, we see men of God finding their way by divine leading into Africa in search of safety.
During seasons of drought, Abram (Gen.12:10,13:1), Jacob and his entire seed called Israel (Gen. 46:26-27) came to Africa for refuge.
Biblical records confirm that Africa has always been the most resource-rich continent on the planet. Scriptural accounts confirm that God actually deliberately arranged the world’s resources this way in order to avail them for this purposes in redemption. This ensured that the agents of redemption were properly equipped, protected and facilitated from this one continent to enable them execute their redemptive roles in past generations.
Even our Lord Jesus Christ the Redeemer visited Africa to demonstrate this divine role of being a content of refuge and a resource for God’s kingdom mission.
As we approach the last days, the challenge of global harvest appears greater than ever before. Biblical prophecy evidently promises a season of unprecedented global revival that must subdue and sweep aside such transient anti-Christ powers as are visible in the least evangelized nations of the world.
The redemptive workforce to manage this harvest is largely concentrated on the African continent. Presently, the resources of Africa are locked away, out of the reach of this workforce, mainly due to idolatry and strong occult spiritism which are prevalent here.
How do we free these resources in order to make them available for the end time agenda of God? This is part of the challenge that we seek to tackle in the African kingdom business Forum(AKBF).
The Strategy
We aim to: –
- Provide teaching materials; create opportunities to sensitive believers to the biblical concept of calling, especially the call of the market place, as a true divine call to ministry of God’s vineyard, and not a secular call separate from ministry.
- Provide an avenue for both national and continental interaction among Christian men and women in the marketplace.
- Provide training, counseling, networking and partnering in the marketplace under God, to enable them build virile and strong businesses that can muscle their way in today’s global economy through intensive collaboration with other market place ministries.
- Provide opportunities for African Christians in the marketplace to review the spiritual and physical foundations of their lives and business practices. The needed kingdom principles and ethics to replace popular Babylonian standards will be provided.
- Provide training on the spiritual dynamics of the marketplace; altars, covenants and priesthood. Spiritual conflict and warfare principles will be taught to give the know how on winning the war in the market place.
- Provide avenues to learn about emerging contemporary issues in the market place such as e-commerce, money and investment matters etc.
- Equip the Christian businessperson against the intrigues of the anti-Christ as we wait the coming of our king, Jesus Christ.
- Provide a forum for collective execution of national and continental initiatives, not underestimating the strengths of the opposition. To pull down the alters and demonic strongholds on ground, we require national and continental networking of business persons coupled with spirit-led warfare initiatives.
- Provide strategic prayer watch-systems and prayer networking for Christians in the marketplace all over the continent on a continuous basis.
Where do you fit?
The advent of Christianity in Africa did not equip the church in Africa with sufficient spiritual know-how to deal with these problems. Someone has actually stated that Africa received an “incomplete gospel’ from the missionaries who came from Europe.
There is need for the raising of an indigenous company of African business persons from all over Africa and the Diaspora to this stewardship and management of the resources of Africa.
This company will need to receive from God divine initiatives and strategies for the execution of these prophetic words and promises at both national and continental levels.
The Lord seeks to release the resources of Africa to this company who will be like men of Issachar in the days of David. These stewards will work together with the new righteous governmental leadership that God will simultaneously raise strategically all over the continent.
These agents of this end time harvest will thus receive the ancient facilities that Africa has always provided for the other previous agents of redemption (protection, provision, resources and blessing). The Africa kingdom Business Forum (AKBF) seeks for facilitate this urgent prophetic agenda.
Africa Kingdom Business Training seeks to mobilize, train and create forums for interaction with a goal to raise a new class of kingdom resource managers in Africa. Such forums include praying for the African market place.