Who We Are
The Sundoulos African Leadership Training (SALT) Institute is a non-profit, non-governmental, international organization based in Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, South Africa and Kenya since 1997. We seek to establish The SALT Institute in all nations of Africa to raise and train potential servant leaders and statesmen on the art of good governance and in how to develop their leadership potentials and employ their talents to help their countries and their peoples.
Our Objectives
The objectives of the SALT Institute is to train, build up and encourage servant leaders who can:
- Understand what will free their nations from spiritual, economic, social, political and natural calamities;
- Interpret national crises correctly, work out solutions and implement recommendations accurately;
- Mobilize human resources and build coalitions from available human resource that will provide the best governance.
- Handle the intrigues of governance and leadership without losing personal integrity.
- Lay new foundations in leadership for African nations based on godly principles.
- Be channels through which righteousness and justice can flow in order to impact peoples and polities.
- Chart new horizons for development and progress in the nations of Africa.
- Develop our human resource for peace and development.
What We Believe
- The leadership of a country has the primary responsibility of determining the direction that country will go.
- Leaders are ministers of God and should be vessels to dispense His righteousness and justice to His people.
- Leadership involves taking a nation by the hand and guiding her in the most suitable direction with regard to the various aspects of national endeavors like agriculture, education, science, health, housing etc.
- The leader must have compassion for the nation in order not to plunder and loot it for personal gain.
- That our post-independence foundations are rooted in legacies of tribalism, nepotism, corruption, indolence and oppression. Therefore new foundations must be laid and leaders must be re-trained.
- That the Church must rise from dualism and separation between the sacred and the secular. Faith must be translated in the market place.
Our Programme
The SALT Institute runs programmes in different countries. Contact your national office for more information.